My Big Bottom Blessing: How Hating My Body Led to Loving My Life Book Review


My Big Bottom Blessing by Teasi Cannon

From this moment on you will have a new name. You are never to call yourself a fat Christian woman again. From here on out, you are ever and only…My Beloved. – Father God

I had the opportunity to review My Big Bottom Blessing: How Hating My Body Led to Loving My Life by Teasi Cannon and published by Worthy Publishing. This book is about Teasi’s struggle with weight and body image beginning with some pretty incredible hurts.

I really appreciated that this was Teasi’s story, her struggles and pain, and what, ultimately made a difference for her. The book doesn’t come across as a self-help book. The best part of reviewing My Big Bottom Blessing was that it was something that I needed to hear from someone with the same struggles as me.

The book is great for a small group study or for individual reading. It was written well and a very easy read. Each chapter is another part of Teasi’s story. Sometimes she has conversations with characters, who cause her stinkin’ thinkin’. She is very vulnerable as she tells very painful stories from her life.

At the end of each chapter is a prayer, questions for the reader to answer about what was discussed in the chapter, a pep talk, and a forward focus word with corresponding Bible promises. I like the fact that each Bible verse is written out so that I didn’t have to find each one.

What touched me the most was when Teasi spoke of her encounter with evangelist Jack Frost. Specifically, when Frost said, “It doesn’t matter if you feel it or not. The truth is still the truth.” It helped me work out something that wasn’t even related to the book.

Teasi used an analogy that like Saul, who persecuted Jesus’ followers, we persecute God with our warped self-image. We call God a liar when He tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and we speak of our fat thighs, flabby arms, and poor self-esteem.

What really came across was that we need to stop trying to get our self-image and self-worth from the media machine and start looking to the Father and what He says about us. We are all People of the Second Chance, so we need to stop wallowing in bondage and start living life as our loving Papa God created us to live.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.