The Lesser of Two Evils in American Elections is a Fallacy

The lesser of two evils in American elections is a fallacy.  We've been sold a bill of goods that is anything but good.

I'm tired of the statement that says that if I don't vote for <insert your party's candidate here>, you're giving the other party the advantage.  If your feeling like me and feel that the two party system is broken, then voting for the lesser of two evils is foolish.  If you want to change things, you have to step out.

According to CitizenCount, there are no less than seven candidates running for President in the 2024 elections, yet We The People are under the impression that our vote will only count if we vote for one of the two major parties.  Each state makes rules on whether or not other parties or peoples can even be on their ballots.  How is this fair?  Surely there has got to be better Presidential material out there.  As my darling husband says, "336 million people in this country and these two are the best we have to offer?".  Why are we continuing to vote the way we do when we're not happy with either party's offerings?

 "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

This year, with the narcissistic Republican candidate who wants to be king and the Democratic candidate who has yet to do a thing to prove herself in her role, I will be taking a stand.  I seriously considered NOT actually voting for a President this year but I can't bring myself to do that.  I have always said that if you don't vote, you don't get to complain.  If the United States of America is truly a republic, a form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body, then the citizens need to take a stand at changing the way we've been manipulated by the ruling class.

Make no mistake, there is a ruling class.  Those elected officials, who swear an oath of allegiance when they're elected into office, are the same ones who are becoming rich with insider trading, staying in office way after they've become ineffective, and live off the backs of hardworking Americans after 5 or more years in office.  When the government shuts down because our elected officials can't come up with a budget agreement and then they go home for their six week long summer break, their paychecks don't stop.  But the Federal employees and our military families don't get paid!!!  How is this acceptable?  The people literally keeping our government running and safe are not getting paid but the ones with the ability to keep our government from shutting down get their paychecks for doing nothing.  But I digress.

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils and I'm going to stop doing it because I'm tired of the insanity merry-go-round that are the elections in this country.  

In the meantime, politics has become a cult in this country.  In the last dozen or so years, I have seen families and friends torn apart by different thinking.  Even I tend to mute my friends on social media until the elections are over because of the hateful attacks over political beliefs.  Social media has given people permission to say extremely rude things that they would never say to someone's face.  I've stopped believing that a any political party is going to help the people of this country.  And until the American people believe that, there is going to be a lot of turmoil among the populace.  

I'm tired of looking to the donkey or the elephant and I choose to look to the Lamb.