The God First Life Book Review


The God First Life by Stovall Weems
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
I had the opportunity to review Pastor Stovall Weems’ book “The God First Life“, which went on sale this week.  Pastor Weems explains that to live a God first life, we need to seek God AND His righteousness FIRST, then all the other things will be added to us.
See the comma after “righteousness”? It means we need to do the stuff before the comma 1st & THEN we get the stuff after comma. 
The book makes a logical progression from salvation, our adoption into the new family of believers, our new life in Christ, and the freedom that it brings us.    He talks about the roadblocks that new believers encounter along the road.  I honestly have to say that this would have been a really helpful book to me in my early walk, but it’s been most helpful now as well.
Whatever force has 1st place in our lives will drive our decisions & shape our futures. – Stovall Weems
Weems explains how our decision for a God first life is a one-time decision not a daily choice.  He also gives the reader several foundational decisions the saved believer needs to make:

  1. I will make God’s family my primary family
  2. I will engage in the community life of the church.
  3. I will be filled by the Spirit
  4. I will worship God on my own and with my church family
  5. I will spend time with God through prayer and His Word
  6. I will give of myself and my means
  7. I will experience the freedom, joy and blessing that God offers
While this book full of foundational truths, it is a must-read book for believers of every level of maturity, including pastors.  Everyone will get a great deal out of truth from it.
True success in my walk with God & in life in general is not an issue of WHAT I need, but WHO should be first. 
Stovall Weems is the founder and lead pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL. Celebration is a global, diverse, growing multisite church, with more than twelve thousand people in weekly attendance. As a pastor, teacher, writer and sought-after conference speaker, his ministry focuses on building the local church, reaching people with the gospel, and developing passionate followers of Christ. Stovall and his wife, Kerri, have three children, Kaylan, Stovie, and Annabelle.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.