Who Am I In Christ?


Who Am I In Christ?

Most of us have a very poor self-image.  The world tells us that we don’t measure up by plastering photos of gorgeous models all over every magazine, movie, and music video.  What we fail to comprehend, no matter how many times we’re told, is that those models are airbrushed and photoshopped so much that the models don’t actually recognize themselves!  Cindy Crawford admits that she doesn’t see herself in her own professional pictures.  Here’s the thing, we believe the media and fail to believe what the Bible says.  What’s been around longer?  Just sayin’…

Here is who the Bible says I am…
  • I am a child of God – John 1:12
  • I am chosen before the creation of the world – Ephesians 1:4
  • I am fearfully, wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
  • I am a friend of God – John 15:15
  • I am God’s workmanship – Ephesians 2:10
  • I am dearly loved – Colossians 3:12
  • I am forgiven – Colossians 1:14
  • I am justified – Romans 5:1
  • I am no longer condemned – Romans 8:1
  • I am holy & blameless – Ephesians 1:4
  • I am set free – Romans 8:2
  • I am rescued from the curse of the law – Galatians 3:13
  • I am a new creation – 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • I am dead to sin & alive in Christ – Ephesians 2:5
  • I am a member of God’s household – Ephesians 2:18
  • I am adopted as a child of God – Ephesians 1:5
  • My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • I was bought with a price – 1 Corinthians 6:20
  • I am complete through Christ – Colossians 2:10
  • I am seated with Christ in heavenly places – Ephesians 2:6
  • I have been given great & precious promises – 2 Peter 1:4
  • I share His divine nature & escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires – 2 Peter 1:4
  • God will never fail or abandon me – Hebrews 13:5
  • I don’t have a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline – 2 Timothy 1:7
  • I am an heir, with Christ, in God’s glory – Romans 8:17
  • I am victorious – Romans 8:37
  • I am a light in the world – Matthew 5:14
  • I have all my needs supplied – Philippians 4:19
  • I can do all things through Christ – Philippians 4:13

If you struggle with your body image as I do, then I suggest you take this list and repeat these phrases out loud for a month.  You can do it more than once a day.  Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”  Faith is a belief.  If you hear yourself saying these things out loud, you will come to believe what you are hearing.  Hopefully, then, you will start to have a better self-image and feel better about yourself.

What is a personal struggle that you have?

I love Jonny Diaz’s song “More Beautiful You”.  Please watch this and remember that there could never be a more beautiful you!!!

Edit: Today I was reminded of this song, Furious Love by Veridia - another powerful song about who you are and what you are worthy of.