The Prisoner Book Review


The Prisoner by B.A. Paris

I never turn down an opportunity to review a B.A. Paris book because she is an amazing author.  I was never a huge fan of thrillers but Paris has a way of pulling you in.  Her latest book, The Prisoner, is being released in November 2022 and I am so sorry that you have to wait for it.  

This is the story of Amelie, a young woman living with her dying grandfather.  She's a woman alone in the world with absolutely no one to depend on when he's gone.  What's a not-quite-an-adult woman to do?  Move to London, of course.  Amelie leaves the world that she's known behind to live hand to mouth in London as a waitress saving to get her own place to live instead of being homeless.  It's in a cafĂ© where her life takes a turn for the positive and she meets Carolyn.

Carolyn takes Amelie in, gives her a job, and introduces Amelie to her friends.  Eventually, Amelie meets a man, who is not what he seems, and he makes her a prisoner in her own home.  But this is only the beginning of the story because just when you think that you finally have some resolution of Amelie's story, another one comes.  

The Prisoner is a fabulous tale to twists and turns leaving on the edge of your seat until the very end.  And even then, you never truly know the whole story.

I received this book from St. Martin's Press for free in exchange for an honest review.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.