The Florence Legacy Book Review


The Florence Legacy by Lauraine Snelling

This story is about group of women that have come together to support one another as writers.  They grow together and come to share their faith, friendship, love, loss, and adventure as well.  When one of the group dies and leaves each of the other group members a large monetary gift, Breeanna, our main character, begins making plans to fulfil her lifelong dream to see Michelangelo's statue of David in Florence, Italy.  

Bree's life hasn't always gone as planned, as years before she tragically lost her husband, and when her neighbor's husband suddenly dies, Bree is reintroduced to her best friend's widower brother-in-law, Pierre-Rene, at the funeral.  

The trip to Italy comes with its own surprises, joy, and tension, but Bree does get to see the magnificent statue of David.  While she away, she also has to deal with a judging son, a floundering daughter, and a growing affection for Pierre-Rene.  

I did think that there was a lot of widows and widowers in the story until I came to grips with the fact that as I age, this will be a more common occurrence in my life as well.  So it might be that this is a story that middle age or older women would appreciate more.  However, this is a story of a group of female friends, and no matter the age of the reader, they will be able to appreciate the life experiences from each of the characters where they happen to be in their lives.  

I enjoyed the story and the development of each of the players as well as their relationships to one another.  While this story is written by a Christian writer, one doesn't need to be a Christian to appreciate the telling of the story.  

I received this book from Hachette Book Group for free in exchange for an honest review.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.