My Word 2024


graphic by Inspirivity

My Word 2024

Happy New Year, friend!  Another year has come and gone and so many things happened in 2023.  In my home, we had the eradication of my husband's bout with prostate cancer and all the fun side effects that it brings, my mother taking a head first dive down a flight and a half of stairs and continuing pain, my father's successful shoulder replacement and chronic knee pain, and my continued healing from the processing, auditory, and verbal effects of the stroke I had at the end of 2022.  But, no one can ever say that I do things halfway, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma that popped up out of nowhere on my lower leg that's too big for an office surgical procedure and I'm waiting for a no pain, no cutting, and no scar radiation that will take all of 30 seconds each time over 22 office visits (3-4 days a week).  Obviously, you can see where this post is going.  

I've chosen a word for many years.  Last year's word was Freedom.  Honestly, I had forgotten that I chosen a word last year with all that was going on.  If I had to give you a synopsis of that word for me, I can't.  I do know that I leaned heavily into my faith and trusting that God was in the details and moving before me.  I saw this end-of-the-year prayer that really sums up 2023 for me:  

Dear God, in the year ahead, I place my unwavering faith in Your unfailing love and wisdom, knowing that Your divine plan will guide me through all of the days ahead - challenges and triumphs.  I surrender my worries and uncertainties to You, confident that Your providence will lead me on a path in peace in You.  May 2024 be a year of unwavering confidence in Your presence as I rely on Your steadfast care and guidance, Amen.

That's good!  That was actually how I spent 2023.  The stroke I had in 2022 really derailed a good thing that I had going with movement.  I was walking 7500+ steps a day and was losing weight.  However, the steps were causing a great deal of pain in my ankles.  In 2023, I began a program through my insurance that's like doing physical therapy at home targeting my ankles.  My goal has been to do the exercises at least 3 days a week.  It helps work to strengthen the muscles in my lower body and with balance, which is off since the stroke.  I've just begun to ride the recumbent bike that we were gifted.  That, too, is a 3-day-a-week goal to ride 30 minutes.  

My body and my heart may grow weak, but God is the strength of my heart and all I need forever. Psalm 73:26

This year, I'm making it my goal to be more intentional about my body; to move more and to take better care of this vessel that I've been given.  Heaven knows that I'm not getting any younger. 

So, what's your word for 2024?  Let me know in the comments below and let's do this thing together.  Here's another prayer seen online recently:  

Jesus, you said that with God all things are possible.  Today, I seek your direction for my life.  I'm not doing it by my own ability.  I'm doing it by your ability.  I'm not looking at what I can do; I'm looking at what You can do.  I'm letting the size of my God determine the size of my dream.  Help me to move against my fears and doubt.  I'm moving ahead because ALL things are possible with you.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.  

In my weakness, He is strong.