Oola for Women Book Review


Oola for Women by Dave Braun, Troy Amdahl with Janet Switzer

Alright, friends.  What’s your favorite F word?  Keep it clean, please!  

Have you heard the Oola Life?  The Oola Guys?  What is Oola?

oo-la:  noun. 1a:  derived from the expression ooh la la! b: That state of awesomeness.  c: a life that is balanced and growing in the key areas of health, finances, career, relationships, and well-being. d: a destination (i.e., getting to Oola). 2a: describing ations, insights, and goals that lead to a blaanced life (ex: That’s so Oola.) 3a: the ultimate plan for achieving blance in an unbalanced world.

The Oola Life is when your life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life; the 7 F’s of Oola (fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends, and fun).

My friend Angela introduced me to Oola with the first Oola book, Oola – Finding balance in an unbalanced world that came out in November 2012 by two guys who had a better way to help us find a well-rounded, happier life by focusing on 7 key life areas.  

In that book, the Oola Seeker, Dave Braun, tells his story and how he connected with the Oola Guru, Troy Amdahl, to change his way of life by changing his focus.  The guys then write this awesome book and self-promote it by sharing it all over the country in their VW bus.  Their unconventional way of promotion sends their first Oola book to the International Best Sellers List!

In Oola for Women, we learn how to balance the 7 key areas of life to have less stress, more purpose, and reveal the greatness within you.  Starting with Oola Seeker’s story, he tells us about how consistency is key.  

I really love how easy this book is to read.  The introduction lays out the book’s chapters.  In each chapter are 2 stories from women about each F word.  I love reading about the challenges that they’ve faced and how that particular F word applies.  The stories are happy, sad, heart-wrenching, and just plain amazing.  

After the section of the F words, there are sections about both Oola Blockers and Oola Accelerators.  Things that prevent living an Oola life and things that help achieve the Oola life.  Again, these sections each contain 2 stories from women working towards the Oola life.

The last section of Oola for Women contains 3 simple steps to the Oola life.  By using the tools in this chapter, you’ll be well on your way to living a life that is more fulfilling.  Plus, there are tools to help you live the best life ever by working on your weaker F word and strengthening the other F words.  

So, what’s your favorite F word?  Leave me a comment below and keep it clean.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.