How to Age Without Getting Old Book Review


How to Age Without Getting Old by Joyce Meyer

How could I not review a book called “How to Age Without Getting Old”?  I’m nearing my mid-50s, newly retired, just moved to the country where we’ve bought a large house and property, and I’m trying to find my place in this new world.  I’ve found that I need to listen to those who’ve gone before me and learn from their experiences.  And who better to listen to than Joyce Meyer?

Her newest book, “How to Age Without Getting Old”, is another one of her easy-to-read books that’s filled with incredible, Godly wisdom.  Joyce uses her own experiences and health issues to help the reader see that there are, in fact, ways to age gracefully.  First and foremost is to learn from others’ experiences.  She explains that as she ages, she’s learning to understand that changes in what she does and how she does it is necessary thing.  It really is ok to ask for help, allow others to take over what she used to do, and to listen to her body and to take more frequent breaks.  She’s also more selective about the activities that she does, travels less than she used to, and has significantly decreased the number of conferences that she does every year.

A lot of Joyce’s advice is really common sense and starts with taking good care of our bodies.  Things such as getting regular medical and dental care, exercise, drinking plenty of water, and eating foods that are good for our bodies.  But we shouldn’t forget to keep healthy relationships with friends and family, laughing, getting rest, and keeping our brains sharp.

Of course, all of these changes are great and she explains that we need to learn how to discern God’s will for our life and to continue to grow our relationship with our Savior, who has the very best plans for His own.  

You could easily sit down and read this book cover-to-cover in a few hours, but I strongly suggest that you read it chapter by chapter and take some time to reflect on what you’re taking in.  Really work on incorporating Joyce’s experience so that you can personalize the information for your own life. This is a good book to read regularly for a while, just to help with the transition into each phase of aging.  

I highly recommend “How to Age Without Getting Old” by Joyce Meyer and strongly suggest you get this book to help you to walk your way gently into each phase of aging.

I received this book from Hachette Book Group for free in exchange for an honest review.  

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