The Flirtation Experiment Book Review


The Flirtation Experiment – Putting Magic, Mystery, and Spark into Your Everyday Marriage by Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer

When I received the review request for this book, I actually marked it as spam and deleted it because of the name of the book had me thinking that this was another piece of pornographic spam.  Something had me go back and check it, and I’m so grateful that I was wrong.

The Flirtation Experiment came into my life and marriage at a good time.  That being said, any time in a marriage, whether it’s only been a few weeks or many decades, is a good time to read this book.  This book is written by popular Christian voices, Lisa Jacobson, who’s been married for over 30 years, and Phylicia Masonheimer, who has been married for only 7 years.  So, there’s a lot of collective experience between the two.  The Flirtation Experiment inspires you to strengthen your marriage with a fun, unexpected approach that leads to the depth, richness, and closeness you desire

Each of the 30 chapters takes you through one woman’s experience and her experiment, and ends with suggestions for the reader to make her own experiment.  For example, in the first chapter, Phylicia shares her own issues with physical affection and how those issues were affecting her marriage.  She then shares how she decided, without her husband’s knowledge, to improve her showing physical affection.  She then shares a few ways that the reader can do her own affection experiment.  

While I read this whole book in one sitting, it’s really that good, I believe that the best way to do The Flirtation Experiment is to choose to do one chapter a week or every two weeks so that you can build better habits and build a better marriage.  Some of the topics that are covered are playfulness, kindness, connection, friendship, romance, and hope.  Some of the topics are more lighthearted and some a much more serious, but all of them are very necessary for a marriage.  

I’ve been married for over 32 years and during that time, marriage becomes comfortable and we stop doing those things we did when we were courting.  The Flirtation Experient has given me new ways to build and improve on the foundation that was laid all those years ago and I have this wonderful book to thank.  I look forward to going back and re-reading each chapter and doing my own flirtation experiments to make my marriage stronger. I recommend The Flirtation Experiment because it empowers wives to be a part of building a stronger marriage and it’s relatable in every stage of a marriage. Whether married 30 days or 30 years, this book is a wonderful resource.  Get the workbook too!

I received these books from Collide Media Group for free in exchange for an honest review.  

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